He sent an email with a coupon code as a test for the new cart. He doesn’t want to move all his products until he has everything working right.
He had hundreds of hits to the cart. And at the end of the day, the number of conversions totaled…
A gigantic goose egg.
To say he was shocked is an understatement. He wasn’t used to these results. Coupon offers, like this offer, always resulted in sales.
We went through the typical research to figure out what was going on.
The cart was working properly. Everything worked the way it was intended. The obvious problems were eliminated.
Then I started looking at the details on his cart.
What is the offer?
What are the points of friction?
What is on the page that is a barrier to people buying?
I noticed two things that really stuck out to me. One may be obvious to you but the other isn’t always so obvious.
As I said, he sent a coupon code to this list. There was a field on the checkout page for visitors to enter this coupon code.
My first suggestion was to remove the coupon field and include the coupon to naturally show up. This could be done with a special link that registered the coupon when they hit the cart.
Coupon fields on cart pages can lower conversions. Some customers will leave the cart and search Google to find a coupon. And they never return.
He removed the coupon field.
The second suggestion had to do with his offer.
His offer included the main product, which was fine and required for checkout. He also included a 'bump' offer to try and increase the purchase value.
A bump offer is like the items in your grocery store's checkout isle. It's something you look at while checking out and it helps the store increase the per customer value.
When you create a bump offer it should be something simple. Bumps shouldn’t require a lot of explanation and sales copy.
His bump offer was the same price as the main product. It needed sales copy. And because of the cart limitations, the sales copy was minimal.
I told him to remove the bump offer and move it to an upsell after the initial purchase.
These two simple changes made a huge difference. He’s now converting 20% of his visitors.
That’s a significant increase from two small changes.
Not everything is obvious. Not everything is hidden.
And sometimes the changes you need to make are the changes you don’t want to make.
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