The Friction Free Sales Blog

Why Your Language Isn't Persuasive

Words. They’re magic. No really. It’s magical how I can write a few words here and you translate them into some meaning. When I write a different set of words, a different meaning pops into your head. And the words will change the way you think. It’s magic. With a few words I can cast […]

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One Special Word And Its Effect On Your Thoughts, Behaviors, And Beliefs

"Because" is a special word. It links two thoughts together in a logical form. This form can be used to your advantage to change the thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs of those you want to influence.

The word "because" will help you gain compliance when you want to persuade. It's also the structure of how we form beliefs in our mind. When you use these two tools together you'll be able to increase your influence drastically.

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Robert Cialdini’s Influence: Animated Video

Robert Cialdini’s company, Influence At Work, recently released this quick 12 minute video on his " Six Weapons of Influence." Watch it to learn how easily you can use the persuasive techniques of reciprocity, liking, social proof, scarcity, authority, and commitment and consistency.

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Your Reality Tunnel: Why You're Wrong

Reality is subjective. What is true and real to you, isn't true or real to others. This is why there are thousands of religions. It’s why political sides can’t agree. It’s why your wife won’t load the dishwasher the right way (Damn that’s frustrating!).

If you've spent any time arguing with someone, it’s easy to dismiss them as stupid, rude, evil, uncaring, etc. You attack their identity to explain their behaviors. However, like you, they’re stuck in their reality tunnel.

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4 Simple Questions To Amplify The "Why" Behind Your Goals

You can say you want many things. But unless you really think it through to the end, you're just spinning your wheels.

Here are 4 questions to amplify the "why I want to achieve goal X" for next year. Take out a pen and paper, or open up a text document beside this and start answering these questions.

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3 Simple Questions To Create An Incredible Year

It's time to start planning ways you can make 2013 your best year ever. Unless you're on the Mayan, "end of the world" kick.

If not, we're riding down a greased slide into 2013 and it's time to start planning. These 3 questions will help you determine what you want, make sure it's realistic, and how to overcome the obstacles

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Stop Losing Sales

Fix the friction points that stop your customers from buying. Download your FREE guide to Friction Free Sales now.
"I’ve paid for a lot of training that didn’t even scratch the surface of what you’re giving away for free." – Courtney James