Taxes are due this weekend.
Oh the joy.
I paid ours share yesterday. It's painful. But not having the burden would be much worse.
The IRS understands the importance of a deadline. If they weren't due on April 15th (the 18th this year!) we would never get around to filing.
Today I've wanted to write several emails. Instead I've played ball with the dog, checked the pool's water temperature (it's still too cold to swim, and I knew that before going outside), checked my email, updated some things on my sites, adjusted the thermostat on the air conditioner, and more.
Yet, if I don't get this written, nothing will go out over the next few days.
Writing this feels great, right now. Once started, the process is fun.
The hard part is getting started.
So I need deadlines to push me to move.
It doesn't feel good to be pushed to do something.
You don't really want to do it. It's something you have to do.
But deadlines work.
And in a situation like this, finishing a goal, it's extremely helpful. I won't experience buyers remorse after doing this because it's ultimately something I deeply want.
However, using a scarcity deadline to push as many people to buy as possible can cause buyers remorse. Because you're using it with force and not addressing the underlying resistance stopping your customer.
When you do that, just like the IRS, people don't always feel good after buying.
And you're not the IRS.
So you end up with customers requesting refunds, cancellations, and complaints.
Sell without resistance. Get Friction Free Sales and Marketing.
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