How To Ask For Anything Via Email

I received an email from someone who, after some praise and other blabbing, wrote “It would be great to chat with you.”

Guess what… I don’t “just chat” with random hipsters who email me.

He wrote a book and is trying to promote it. That’s fine.

However, the entire tone of the email is just wrong. He started praising me and my show. That’s fine. Stroke my ego all you want but that doesn’t get me writhing in ecstasy.

Then he mentions he has a book and was looking for potential collaboration “down the road.”

So you stroke my ego but want me to stroke you so you get the happy ending?

Homie don’t play that.

Think about what you’re doing when you reach out to prospects, potential joint venture partners, or anyone you hope to gain something from.

There’s a simple process to follow:

The keys to reaching out and actually getting help are:

  1. What exactly do you want?
    If you don’t know this, don’t even start to ask. What is your ultimate goal from the interaction?
  2. Provide value first.
    Give before you get. Compliments are great but fall limp in today’s electronic communication. Give real value first.
  3. Do your research.
    Who are you reaching out to? What do you know about them? This should probably come before item 2 so you can make sure you’re giving something of real value.
  4. Be specific in your request and make it easy.
    Goes back to item 1 and a huge fail I consistently see. Be specific, be terrific! What do you want? A 15 minute phone call? An hour interview? What!?
  5. Give a deadline for response.
    No urgency means no reply.

Those 5 things will help you get to the point.

When you get to the point you get response.

If you don’t have Friction Free Sales and Marketing yet, hop to it.

Download your copy here and understand how his request violated many friction points… and keep your sales friction free.

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