I spent many years in the 'death care' industry. I used to sell preneed funeral and cemetery arrangements.
I wasn't a funeral director. I don't like being in a room with a dead body (fortunately, I didn't have to be). What I did was help people long before they were dead make their arrangements.
The first few months were hard.
When you walk across a cemetery there are so many dates of death younger than yours.
You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think. - Marcus Aurelius
That business changed my life. I joke, "You never feel more alive then when you walk across the cemetery."
I don't know where you are in your life. Take it a little slower this week.
Ask your customer a few more questions. Probe just a little deeper. Become overwhelmed with curiosity.
Before you snap back, think about what the other person is trying to accomplish. It probably wasn't intended to piss you off.
Step back and get perspective on all those little peeves. Find something good in them. It's there, I promise.
Smell a flower, of course.
Take this week with a little more love and joy in your heart.
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