When you’re selling you have to remember who your audience is. This is a given.
A friend gave me a book to read and said I’d love it. I’m not going to tell you the name of the book for 2 reasons: 1. It was okay and 2. I don’t care for the author.
When she gave me the book she said, “You’ll love it. The author went to prison when he was young and didn’t get out until he was in his 30’s. After prison he had to work to find a job, because nobody would trust him.”
I said, “Duh!”
She went on how someone gave him a break and he became a top sales guy, started his business, sold his business, and his book teaches what he learned.
I had to stop myself when she said the guy was an ex-con. I started into the book it was rehashed Tony Robbins, Napoleon Hill, and Stephen Covey.
Now, there was one small thing throughout that was good. But I could recommend other books that have more to share on the topic.
I know I’m biased.
I could’ve said, “Nope. An ex-con. He’s probably still a crook and just got lucky.” But I didn’t.
A while back I sent an email about Trump University’s Sales Playbook. I subtly wrote I didn’t think Trump was honest or president material.
Someone was kind enough to email me saying he is a big fan of Trump and he unsubscribed.
That’s narrow minded.
He got all huffy and said, “I’m taking my ball and going home.”
I don’t like Trump. I don’t like Hillary. I don’t like Bernie.
I think they’re all be terrible candidates.
Yet we can learn from all of them.
And we can learn from an ex-con (even political candidates who are potential ex-cons?).
I know I’ll offend someone when I say, “Trump is a dildo, with bad hair.”
I can do that because this is my email. I can peel away those who have thin skin and no sense of humor. Why would you want them around?
But be careful when you’re passing judgement and stop learning. You won’t agree with everyone. But you can learn something from them.
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