Yesterday Disney announced price increases at their parks.
A one day pass went up something like $7 and parking went up $2.
Guess what happened.
People on Twitter went bananas. They were furious that Disney, a for-profit company, would raise their price. They were outraged saying that they'll never be able to afford to visit now.
It's not fair (as I wipe a fake tear from my eye).
Disney claims they're doing it to curb the crowded parks.
To those who complain about this small price hike, and say they won't go now... Disney doesn't want you to visit anyway. They did this to keep your complaining ass from crowding the park.
They want happy people there. That's why it's the happiest place on earth.
And, I don't care if Disney said, "We did this to make more money. We have people to feed and the costs are growing."
It's a business. If they see fit to raise their prices, and the market can bear the price increase, that's smart business.
I can only imagine the costs it takes to keep their parks looking the way they do. They continually innovate their rides. They have to hire people who are unable to break character for hours at a time. They keep the parks meticulously clean.
And, it's the happiest damn place on earth.
I find it silly the rants people go through when a company, like Disney, has a small price increase. They feel entitled to attend the park for nothing.
How come they're not complaining to Mercedes for producing a more expensive car? That's not fair. Or is that different?
You're in business. Don't listen to the whiners.
You're allowed to earn a profit.
And it's best to sell to those who can afford to pay.
You'll be happier when you serve a customer who appreciates the value you provide.
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