If I ask you what you do for a living, how would you answer?
What happens if you can't sell your products and services?
You're are, in reality, a salesperson. Everyone's a salesperson.
In Dan Pink's new book, To Sell Is Human, he said 1 in 9 people consider their job a sales job. They're the traditional salesperson, one who goes out and works to influence someone to buy her product. However, for the rest of the workforce, people now spend at least 40% of their time at work engaged in 'non-sales selling.' These don't involve a purchase but involve you persuading and influencing people in other ways.
Everyone Is In Sales
My grandfather used to tell me "everyone is in sales." This is more true as "knowledge workers" continue to grow.
You have to sell your ideas and concepts to coworkers and managers. To increase employee retention you have to find ways to keep employees motivated and loyal, beyond just working for a paycheck. You have to know how to influence your relationships so everyone is happy and feels good in the process.
When you discover how to influence with power, you'll never go to sleep wondering what's going to happen with your job, your industry, the economy, or your relationships. You'll know that whatever happens, you have the skills and confidence to move swiftly towards your destination and be successful.
Selling isn't about memorizing sales scripts. It's not about learning 26 Tried-and-True Closing Techniques. It's not about manipulation and pressure.
Selling is a simple process. The selling process involves gaining rapport and trust, eliciting criteria and values, framing your message, and ends with asking for the business (if they haven't asked you how they can buy it first). It's about finding out what your customer wants and helping her get it.
When you learn this process you're not battling objections to make the sale. You won't have to fight over each detail in a negotiation.
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