Category: Persuasive Techniques

Ah yes, the subtle art of persuasion.

Persuasive techniques to get into the minds of others so you can sell them your ideas, your products, or your services.

Persuasive techniques include simple things, like a genuine smile across your face, to help you get agreement. They also involve the more complex understandings of the unconscious processes behind the groups and individuals you want to influence.

Negotiation skills are different than group presentation skills. Covert persuasion techniques used in face-to-face selling are different than persuasive writing techniques. Yet, all of them involve using persuasive language patterns, influencing skills, and psychological techniques in unique ways.

Below are articles (from most recent to oldest) on persuasive techniques to help you increase your influence skills in whatever area you’re searching.

Read around. If you don’t find something about the persuasive techniques you’re looking for, just contact me with your questions and I’ll do what I can to help.

Mirroring, Rapport, and Wile E. Coyote

The other night I was listening to my kids discuss the intelligence of Wile E. Coyote. Hopefully you remember the cartoons where the coyote tried to catch The Road Runner but always ended up getting hurt. When I looked at the TV, Wile E. Coyote was chasing The Road Runner into a painted tunnel on […]

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Do You Understand Your Customer’s Values?

I vividly remember the first time I spoke with him. In the year prior I had bought a couple courses and read dozens of books on NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis. I was in sales, doing okay, and heard how he had taken the fluff out of NLP and was the man to learn how to […]

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Why Your Language Isn't Persuasive

Words. They’re magic. No really. It’s magical how I can write a few words here and you translate them into some meaning. When I write a different set of words, a different meaning pops into your head. And the words will change the way you think. It’s magic. With a few words I can cast […]

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Robert Cialdini’s Influence: Animated Video

Robert Cialdini’s company, Influence At Work, recently released this quick 12 minute video on his " Six Weapons of Influence." Watch it to learn how easily you can use the persuasive techniques of reciprocity, liking, social proof, scarcity, authority, and commitment and consistency.

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Your Reality Tunnel: Why You're Wrong

Reality is subjective. What is true and real to you, isn't true or real to others. This is why there are thousands of religions. It’s why political sides can’t agree. It’s why your wife won’t load the dishwasher the right way (Damn that’s frustrating!).

If you've spent any time arguing with someone, it’s easy to dismiss them as stupid, rude, evil, uncaring, etc. You attack their identity to explain their behaviors. However, like you, they’re stuck in their reality tunnel.

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Motivating People: The Carrot Or The Stick?

When motivating people, you have a carrot and a stick as your tool. This saying comes from motivating a horse to move. You can dangle a carrot, or you can smack the horse in the ass, to start him moving forward. The Problem With The Stick When you smack the horse on the ass with […]

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