Category: Persuasive Techniques

Ah yes, the subtle art of persuasion.

Persuasive techniques to get into the minds of others so you can sell them your ideas, your products, or your services.

Persuasive techniques include simple things, like a genuine smile across your face, to help you get agreement. They also involve the more complex understandings of the unconscious processes behind the groups and individuals you want to influence.

Negotiation skills are different than group presentation skills. Covert persuasion techniques used in face-to-face selling are different than persuasive writing techniques. Yet, all of them involve using persuasive language patterns, influencing skills, and psychological techniques in unique ways.

Below are articles (from most recent to oldest) on persuasive techniques to help you increase your influence skills in whatever area you’re searching.

Read around. If you don’t find something about the persuasive techniques you’re looking for, just contact me with your questions and I’ll do what I can to help.

Ask Questions And Inoculate Objections

I wrote about To Kill A Mockingbird yesterday and I'll continue with another one of my favorite scenes. Atticus Finch is defending Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white girl. On the stand is Bob Ewell, the father of the girl. Atticus is asking him questions and asks if Ewell can sign his […]

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Take A Stand

One of my favorite books is To Kill A Mockingbird. It's a chilling snapshot into the period of time that was "The South." If you're not familiar with the story, Atticus Finch is a lawyer who agrees to defend Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white girl. Because of his decision Atticus […]

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Emotional Appeal

People buy on emotion and justify with logic. You want emotional appeal. This has been repeated by every sales trainer and marketing guru I've ever heard. You've probably read, or heard it, in some form or another. The point is: Get your customer emotionally committed and they'll create logical reasons why they bought. It's true. […]

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Why? Reason Backwards

Your brain is constantly searching for reasons. Unconsciously it's running in the background, like a curious two-year old, asking "Why?" It takes what is happening today and reasons backwards to make a cause-effect relationship. You can't not do it. You probably have someone in your family at the holiday dinner table that likes to say, […]

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Manipulation Is Terrible, That's Why I Love It

I was training a group last week and said it's okay to "manipulate" people. Oh the horror. You should have heard the screams. They started wetting their panties. Manipulation is bad. You can't use that word. We're in sales. We're advisors. We don't manipulate people. Bullshit. I replied, "That's very manipulative of you. You're manipulating […]

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Your Uniform

It's "Bike Week" here. Around the city there are memorial rides, charity rides, and all sorts of events. Hundreds, if not thousands of motorcycles are roaming the streets. Their proud owners holding on loosely while their hair blows back in the wind. I can't leave the house without seeing dozens of bikes rolling down the […]

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